Amer Kahwaji: Energy of youth
Amer Kahwaji: The sunny side of life
Amer Kahwaji: A view from a different perspective
Amer Kahwaji: Live well, work well and dress really well.
Amer Kahwaji: A beautiful life does not just happen, it is built by daily sacrifice and hard work.
Amer Kahwaji: Harmony
Amer Kahwaji: Positive thinking; A certain darkness is needed to see the stars
Amer Kahwaji: Mona Lisa fans
Amer Kahwaji: Where everyday is full of excitement
Amer Kahwaji: Hope for a better future
Amer Kahwaji: Life has no limitations, except the ones you make. Les Brown
Amer Kahwaji: Forget what hurt you in the past, but never forget what it taught you.
Amer Kahwaji: The longer you wait for something, the more you appreciate it when you get it.
Amer Kahwaji: Little exploring hand
Amer Kahwaji: Tender hand
Amer Kahwaji: Make Up!
Amer Kahwaji: Making a living from the "net"
Amer Kahwaji: Together Forever
Amer Kahwaji: One day in Barcelona
Amer Kahwaji: "Take what you can from your dreams, make them as real as anything" Dave Matthews
Amer Kahwaji: Be yourself, everyone else is already taken - Oscar Wilde
Amer Kahwaji: Romance is the glamour of venice.
Amer Kahwaji: Waiting for the rain to have fun!
Amer Kahwaji: Where the spirit doesn’t work with the hands, there is no art – Leonardo Da Vinci
Amer Kahwaji: Daughter! You filled our life with sunshine and our hearts with love :)
Amer Kahwaji: If you never try, you will never know!
Amer Kahwaji: Share today, dry tomorrow!
Amer Kahwaji: Let life surprise you!
Amer Kahwaji: Children see magic because they look for it – Christopher Moore
Amer Kahwaji: Individually we are one drop, but together, we are an ocean.