ameriskur: Brendan, the unicorn
ameriskur: Ben, the kind of beers
ameriskur: Dinner at Brendan's
ameriskur: Lisa
ameriskur: Brendan lighting the first bottle rocket out of his kitchen window
ameriskur: Brendan and his flare
ameriskur: Jess and her sparkler
ameriskur: Jess and her sparkler
ameriskur: Brendan and Ben lighting their flare
ameriskur: Ben and Sprót
ameriskur: Reykjavik new year's eve
ameriskur: Reykjavik new year's eve
ameriskur: Reykjavik new year's eve
ameriskur: Reykjavik new year's eve
ameriskur: Lisa and Jess in party hats
ameriskur: explosives
ameriskur: the aftermath
ameriskur: HAPPY NEW YEAR!