AimDizzle: Peace
AimDizzle: I see you Allie
AimDizzle: Me and Patrick
AimDizzle: Roomie love
AimDizzle: And round and round we go!
AimDizzle: Nick and Jackie
AimDizzle: Dan with someone else
AimDizzle: Lacrosse formal
AimDizzle: Crazies!
AimDizzle: Well so much for my hair
AimDizzle: Holler!
AimDizzle: Amber, Jackie, and me!
AimDizzle: Don't know that guy and don't know why he got in the picture
AimDizzle: This guy looks like he's really mackin on Dan
AimDizzle: Lacrosse formal
AimDizzle: Classy!
AimDizzle: wooahh?
AimDizzle: Yeah we know how to have a good time :)
AimDizzle: An awesome group shot
AimDizzle: Scary face!
AimDizzle: HAHA
AimDizzle: Don't know these people
AimDizzle: Lacrosse formal
AimDizzle: Jess has her tongue out in practically every picture
AimDizzle: There were plenty of pictures of Underwood so I decided to jump in and he didn't really seem to be a fan of it
AimDizzle: Goofball
AimDizzle: Lacrosse formal
AimDizzle: Peeps!! Not really sure who all these people are...
AimDizzle: Underwood and his date....