Amereservant: Here I come!
Amereservant: Turnin on the water.
Amereservant: Abigail.
Amereservant: My precious girl.
Amereservant: I got some flowers!
Amereservant: Abigail.
Amereservant: Lil miss Abby.
Amereservant: The easter lamb.
Amereservant: Abigail.
Amereservant: Easter princess.
Amereservant: I've got bubbles!
Amereservant: The next generation.
Amereservant: My new assistant
Amereservant: Happy thoughts.
Amereservant: Got more?
Amereservant: Ehe, that looks far to walk.
Amereservant: Daddy, time to pick me up.
Amereservant: My aunt and me.
Amereservant: Swatting bugs?
Amereservant: Creative thinking.
Amereservant: Daddy, look! I'm walking!
Amereservant: My precious child.
Amereservant: Psssh, I'm all that and a bag of cookies.
Amereservant: Abigail pickin daffodils at Wye Mountain.
Amereservant: Abby at Knoop Park.
Amereservant: Taking a morning nap.
Amereservant: The beauty of childhood.
Amereservant: My typical Monday.
Amereservant: Hmmm, what should I do first?
Amereservant: Coming to life.