 Alvinthephotographer: Hummingbird: watching me,watching him
 Alvinthephotographer: Hummingbird staring at me staring at him
 Alvinthephotographer: Leviathan in sea of grass
 Alvinthephotographer: Lethargic Lizard on prickly pineapple plant
 Alvinthephotographer: Tears of the saints #1
 Alvinthephotographer: Tears of the saints#2
 Alvinthephotographer: Blade of grass, gems of dew
 Alvinthephotographer: Blade of grass, gems of dew
 Alvinthephotographer: blade of grass, gems of dew
 Alvinthephotographer: Dragonfly among green blades
 Alvinthephotographer: banana leaf study
 Alvinthephotographer: Perched on banana leaf
 Alvinthephotographer: Butterfly No.4
 Alvinthephotographer: Mount_Gimmie_Scene3
 Alvinthephotographer: Mount_Gimmie_Scene6
 Alvinthephotographer: Shaded Wood No.2
 Alvinthephotographer: Green plant with spikes and thorns...