Amee Kent: St X wins again
Amee Kent: bleacher seats
Amee Kent: bleacher seats
Amee Kent: Hall of Famer Jeremy
Amee Kent: baby band
Amee Kent: Daniel
Amee Kent: Isaac
Amee Kent: zoom-zoom
Amee Kent: teeter-totter
Amee Kent: teeter-totter
Amee Kent: Matt, Daniel & Lynda visiting
Amee Kent: Calvin
Amee Kent: Daniel
Amee Kent: Calvin's getting too big for the kiddie slides
Amee Kent: Daniel & Isaac running away
Amee Kent: Enjoying the Fall weather
Amee Kent: Snack time & sharing the little table
Amee Kent: Uncle Michael & goofy Calvin
Amee Kent: uh-oh, who made that mess?
Amee Kent: tickle me Isaac
Amee Kent: hey!
Amee Kent: calm calvin
Amee Kent: pre haircuts
Amee Kent: 2nd official haircut and still don't like it
Amee Kent: sucker is sort of helping
Amee Kent: Post Haircut - much happier