Amee Kent: da bears!
Amee Kent: Lake Michgan - Sept 16
Amee Kent: dirty feets
Amee Kent: where's my peeps at?
Amee Kent: what is this?
Amee Kent: Chicago Skyline
Amee Kent: playing with Elizabeth - growing up so fast!
Amee Kent: Happy Birthday Mansi!
Amee Kent: where's my Modelo?
Amee Kent: Sebastian
Amee Kent: Bill
Amee Kent: helping with laundry
Amee Kent: First bath in the big tub - Sept 4
Amee Kent: do you think I like presents?
Amee Kent: wait - let me pose
Amee Kent: thanks Grandpa!
Amee Kent: so many entertaining faces
Amee Kent: look at that fun bow
Amee Kent: toys, toys, toys
Amee Kent: Playing with Grandpa
Amee Kent: Grandpa Harrell
Amee Kent: Swinging
Amee Kent: weee!!!
Amee Kent: Tummy time at the playground
Amee Kent: 1st Cubs Game - Sept 2
Amee Kent: Grandpa
Amee Kent: Go Cubbies!
Amee Kent: such a big boy!
Amee Kent: BBQ with Jordan and Jamie
Amee Kent: BBQ w/ Scott