lyss_live: woman selling flowers pisac market
lyss_live: Pisac market
lyss_live: house in Pisac
lyss_live: Acient Agricultural terraces Pisac
lyss_live: Puma lamp post Cusco
lyss_live: Girls off to a wedding
lyss_live: Local Dancers for festival in Pisac
lyss_live: Festival in Pisac
lyss_live: Examples of traditional Incan tools
lyss_live: Cafe Kausapaq
lyss_live: Cafe Kausapaq
lyss_live: Incan Terracing
lyss_live: Example of Traditional Incan Potato digging tool
lyss_live: Newest addition
lyss_live: Rooms at house
lyss_live: Sita and Family
lyss_live: Friends playing music at India Festival