Ambra Vernuccio: FUNDI WA VIATU (Shoe maker) - Umoja streets
Ambra Vernuccio: PIKA CHIPS
Ambra Vernuccio: Just JIK it!
Ambra Vernuccio: Nairobi street portraits
Ambra Vernuccio: THE GIRL WITH THE CUP
Ambra Vernuccio: Home Time
Ambra Vernuccio: kiberaIMG_7368
Ambra Vernuccio: Tanbo wākā (The Rice Field worker)
Ambra Vernuccio: 6W5A5268
Ambra Vernuccio: Yakiniku owner
Ambra Vernuccio: Ushitsu Kajiya (The Oku-Noto blacksmith)
Ambra Vernuccio: 6W5A4740
Ambra Vernuccio: 6W5A2579
Ambra Vernuccio: Za-zen monk at the Soji-ji Temple 6W5A4894
Ambra Vernuccio: 6W5A3092
Ambra Vernuccio: 6W5A5714
Ambra Vernuccio: Gojinjo_daiko6W5A4278
Ambra Vernuccio: Balkans Stories
Ambra Vernuccio: Balkans Stories - The Bit Pazar
Ambra Vernuccio: Balkans Stories - The "Bit Pazar"
Ambra Vernuccio: The Fifth State (copyright 2010 Ambra Vernuccio)
Ambra Vernuccio: Good times
Ambra Vernuccio: Edinburgh Fringe Festival
Ambra Vernuccio: Edinburgh Fringe Festival
Ambra Vernuccio: Edinburgh Fringe Festival
Ambra Vernuccio: Belleville at Royal Mile
Ambra Vernuccio: Belleville at Bedlam Theatre
Ambra Vernuccio: mcgregor_hertz_IMG_9811
Ambra Vernuccio: mcgregor_alphaepisodes_IMG_9966
Ambra Vernuccio: mcgregor_alphaepisodes_IMG_9888