Mixed reading materials
Nice spot at this #JHB co-working space
An #espresso for the nice left handed people out there
Good bread and coffee
Fragrant path
Jacaranda above and below
Person-centred perspective
Merensky II Library
Jacarandas in the rain. Guarani for 'fragrant' if I am not mistaken.
The 11 official languages of South Africa (x2) http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_South_Africa
Straight ahead #JHB
Needs must. Illustrated.
Tip jar
Art upstairs? #JHB
#JHB looking up
Downtown #JHB
Nicely put #JHB http://www.neighbourgoodsmarket.co.za/
Diedrich roaster in action downtown #JHB
#JHB downtown hipster-prepped extractions
Is the future analogue?