Broadcasting from @3spaceorg #FRSA: Reboot
Megathanks to @3spaceorg for tonight's #FRSA Reboot space - learn more: http://3space.org
Action for a 21st Century Enlightenment - aka - Reboot 3 with @commutiny honk honk
@noelito #FRSA talks about making a living euroalter.com/making-a-living
@nico_macdonald #FRSA of @TheBigPotatoes fame sets out his thoughts on the future of media and manufacturing
The humble Reboot horn sans @commutiny operator #FRSA
Lots of gesticulating #FRSA
If you had 3 wishes what would they be #FRSA 3wishesforthefuture.com
Karen From #RSAacademies Lilian Baylis talks education and opportunity #FRSA
Making the @shoreditchworks case 1:1 #FRSA
'On a scale from 1-10, would you recommend Reboot to another #FRSA?'
How did Reboot 3 come about - somebody had a plan http://rsafellowship.com/m/group/discussion?id=3540519%3ATopic%3A63686 pitch in says @commutiny
And it's a wrap #FRSA #Reboot - thanks @commutiny @joannacmassie @MatthewMezey