@michaelambjorn: Alma mediterránea en cada taza
@michaelambjorn: Somebody's idea of subtle subversion
@michaelambjorn: Back street
@michaelambjorn: An olive tree trunk of impressive age
@michaelambjorn: A bird above
@michaelambjorn: Ancient olive tree
@michaelambjorn: Olive trees and marjades galore in the foothills
@michaelambjorn: Penyal Bernat - rocky outcrop topping out at 264m
@michaelambjorn: More marjades
@michaelambjorn: Door shut
@michaelambjorn: Balcony facing inland on 1600s structure built to keep an eye out for pirates
@michaelambjorn: Not an easy reach...
@michaelambjorn: Compelling clouds
@michaelambjorn: View towards s'Illeta and Puig de Bàlitx
@michaelambjorn: View towards Serra Tramuntana Central
@michaelambjorn: If only there wasn't a sheer drop of a hundred meters or more behind and below this wall, one could make a visit to the forecourt...
@michaelambjorn: Chopin used to hang out here with George Sand
@michaelambjorn: Valldemossa view
@michaelambjorn: Real Cartuja de Valldemossa
@michaelambjorn: Sculpture @ Port de Sóller
@michaelambjorn: Serra de Tramuntana mountainside
@michaelambjorn: Gorg Blau
@michaelambjorn: A view from the highlands to the lowlands
@michaelambjorn: Getting some supplies at the source
@michaelambjorn: Cloud over Ariany
@michaelambjorn: A pattern