Everyone a Changemaker
Everyone a Changemaker
Everyone a Changemaker
Rise of the creative class - one of Richard Florida's books #RSAFlorida
Opening remarks at #RSAFlorida #TheRSA President's lecture from Chair @LukeJohnsonRCP
Richard Florida sets out his case for why #creativity is the new #economy #RSAFlorida
@gandy asking questions #RSAFlorida
@Richard_Florida in conversation with @LukeJohnsonRCP #RSAFlorida
Rees introduces Robert Hooke's 1665 flea into the mix... #FRSA
Martin Rees is taking us on a whistlestop tour of #astronomy and space exploration #FRSA
John Naylor introduces the 2012 RSA Angus Millar Lecture on the future of #science
Even though there are chairs outside, I think our 200+ audience tonight will appreciate being indoors tonight for the 2012 RSA Angus Millar Lecture
Domed ceiling
Dr Robin Niblett from @ChathamHouse #RSAdemocracy
Nicolas Berggruen
John Smith Fellows visiting the RSA
Nathan Gardels on governance
Intelligent Governance for the 21st Century book pile
The 2012 RDIs (Royal Designers for Industry), incl. Brian Eno got inducted today @theRSAorg
Solving the world's problems differently: @dtapscott
Time for Q&A with @dtapscott #RSAtapscott
#RSAmillennials debate underway with @marthalanefox @adamjlent @RSAMatthew #TheRSA
@RSAMatthew + packed out Great Room #TheRSA
Brief snippet from Carter's 1979 Crisis of Confidence speech beamed in #TheRSA
#RSAspring Hernando de Soto keynote @theRSAorg
#RSAspring Hernando de Soto
#RSAspring Hernando de Soto
#RSAspring Hernando de Soto
#RSAspring Hernando de Soto