ambery: patch
ambery: the still
ambery: little
ambery: tête à tête
ambery: risky
ambery: pink bonzai with matching moss & shoes
ambery: bloom'd
ambery: pink
ambery: butterfly
ambery: family
ambery: the (father) gwb
ambery: going over
ambery: "comfy"
ambery: creeping up the rock
ambery: among other things, Ike finds lots of rocks and pinecones here
ambery: walk to the cloisters on a day that seemed more like november than april--despite the flowering flora. too bad I didn't get the bench in fully
ambery: rainy spring day
ambery: sort of shining at me
ambery: spring
ambery: the descender
ambery: the icecream
ambery: our favorite tree
ambery: going to see the groundhogs
ambery: fort tryon benches
ambery: breakfast at the cloisters
ambery: ball
ambery: hoarding acorns
ambery: walking home from the park
ambery: pascha draws to a close