ambery: hofgarten
ambery: counting the minutes until we can check into our hotel
ambery: st michaels
ambery: outside the frauenkirche
ambery: bavaria
ambery: der übermaler
ambery: das frühstück, liotard
ambery: sitting in the sun
ambery: the one wave in münchen
ambery: englischer garten
ambery: pool
ambery: car window
ambery: my little leica broke
ambery: yellow and blue
ambery: the dog lady at the hofgarten
ambery: candles
ambery: eye
ambery: village st paul
ambery: parisian yellow
ambery: dove
ambery: pastry shop
ambery: more parisian yellow
ambery: at the back entrance
ambery: we bought a little one
ambery: with inès
ambery: not much of a traveler
ambery: goodbye france
ambery: in passing
ambery: on the night train
ambery: swan feather