ambermarie9187: Ember and the Wooly Sheep
ambermarie9187: My New Co-pilot
ambermarie9187: Jaws...dananana
ambermarie9187: Camoflague.....taken seriously.
ambermarie9187: PHHPPTT!
ambermarie9187: From Rags to Riches
ambermarie9187: Conjoined Mutts Pt. 1
ambermarie9187: Conjoined Mutts Pt. 2
ambermarie9187: Hot Dawg
ambermarie9187: I know what you're thinking.
ambermarie9187: What's that over there??
ambermarie9187: Oh the birds I would love to NOM!
ambermarie9187: No stick is too big...ever.
ambermarie9187: Strong pup!
ambermarie9187: Sunshine on EmberPosey
ambermarie9187: EmberPosey
ambermarie9187: The Pack
ambermarie9187: The Serious One
ambermarie9187: ember profile
ambermarie9187: such a mug
ambermarie9187: I love my Hedgey!
ambermarie9187: Happy Bully
ambermarie9187: Runnin' Up
ambermarie9187: Wet Dog Smell
ambermarie9187: Water Side Pit
ambermarie9187: What Pit Bulls Think About BSL
ambermarie9187: Your move, Cuz.
ambermarie9187: Em says No to BSL