amberlainey: r goes for three points
amberlainey: chillaxin'
amberlainey: v and e
amberlainey: sugary sweet.
amberlainey: bball court games
amberlainey: hopscotch dos
amberlainey: hopscotch uno
amberlainey: sibling shoe tying
amberlainey: eagle's nest
amberlainey: reading chapter books for the first time!!
amberlainey: tracing letters
amberlainey: those two front teeth
amberlainey: dem bunny ears never grow old
amberlainey: some days i feel this way about homework, too
amberlainey: b colors
amberlainey: k gives me a grin
amberlainey: j traps la pelota
amberlainey: n reaches for the catch
amberlainey: r sez he's open
amberlainey: three balls all in one court
amberlainey: a for a point
amberlainey: everybody jumpjump!
amberlainey: a takes on s for the kingship
amberlainey: 'member how to play 4-square?
amberlainey: oh b, you've stolen my heart
amberlainey: my class spring 2010
amberlainey: the crocodile dragons
amberlainey: swingswingswing
amberlainey: almost complete