Amber Tree: wilson, john james - A Dutch Barge Off the Coast
Amber Tree: wilson, john james - At the Harbour Mouth
Amber Tree: wilson, john james - Fishing Vessels Off the Isle of Wight
Amber Tree: wilson, john james - Greenwich, the Departure of the Belgian Steamer
Amber Tree: wilson, john james - Low Tide
Amber Tree: wilson, john james - Near Folkestone
Amber Tree: wilson, john james - Off the Kent Coast 1
Amber Tree: wilson, john james - Off the Kent Coast 2
Amber Tree: wilson, john james - Off to the Fishing Grounds
Amber Tree: wilson, john james - Repairing a Night Marker
Amber Tree: wilson, john james - Returning to Port
Amber Tree: wilson, john james - Shipping before a Coastal Town
Amber Tree: wilson, john james - Shipping with Figures on a Wooden Jetty
Amber Tree: wilson, john james - Ships at the Coast
Amber Tree: wilson, john james - South Foreland