France in the UK:
Professor James Stirling, Provost of Imperial College
France in the UK:
Sylvie Bermann, French Ambassador to the UK
France in the UK:
Jacqueline Minor, Head of the Euoprean Commission Representation in the UK
France in the UK:
Preparing notes ahead of the conference
France in the UK:
The panel
France in the UK:
Pascal Canfin, former French Cabinet minister for development, and Senior Adviser for International Climate Affairs at the World Resource Institute
France in the UK:
Sir David King, UK Foreign Secretary’s Special Representative for Climate Change and former Government Chief Scientific Adviser
France in the UK:
Road to Paris 2015
France in the UK:
Professor Sir Brian Hoskins, Chair of the Grantham Institute at Imperial College London
France in the UK:
Damian Carrington, Head of Environment at The Guardian