tommaync: Vanessa Binkie
tommaync: Vanessa Binkie napping
tommaync: Bruce
tommaync: Snow behind Bruce
tommaync: Front yard
tommaync: Bird Feeder
tommaync: Breakfast time
tommaync: Bird at feeder
tommaync: Vanessa Binkie on couch
tommaync: Binkie cuddling with Vanessa
tommaync: Binkie with Vanessa
tommaync: Napping duo
tommaync: Joy in shadows
tommaync: Tom profile
tommaync: Tom
tommaync: Joy
tommaync: Family dinner at RoundHouse
tommaync: Susie Vanessa Bruce
tommaync: Harold Shirley
tommaync: Family dining
tommaync: Sharon Harold Shirley
tommaync: Harold & Shirley
tommaync: Ross Lori Joy Brenda Sharon
tommaync: Lori Joy Brenda
tommaync: Sharon
tommaync: Bruce Claire Adam Ross
tommaync: Family Dinner between visitations
tommaync: Susie Vanessa Bruce up close
tommaync: Susie Vanessa Kevin Bruce Claire Adam Harold
tommaync: Vanessa Kevin Bruce