Ayu Mayshita: -Cavern '05-
Ayu Mayshita: on a corner at Ramayana
Ayu Mayshita: tabz n fabz bday
Ayu Mayshita: the leader of future indo HK
Ayu Mayshita: Farrel 1st B'day
Ayu Mayshita: we wait..we took picture ;P
Ayu Mayshita: Indonesia Celebration
Ayu Mayshita: crazy summer
Ayu Mayshita: waiting for our CHILI CRAB !!!!
Ayu Mayshita: trio kwek kwek
Ayu Mayshita: jockey wanna be
Ayu Mayshita: yum cha?? drink tea?? eat dim sum !!!
Ayu Mayshita: office party
Ayu Mayshita: bfore we get wet..cheseeeeeee :)
Ayu Mayshita: end of summer
Ayu Mayshita: sober or not ?? of course NOT
Ayu Mayshita: please stand back from yellow line !!!!
Ayu Mayshita: what's up putra ???
Ayu Mayshita: crystal bday..
Ayu Mayshita: way back from citygate, too tired...too far
Ayu Mayshita: its like 4 in the morning???
Ayu Mayshita: half wet on ocean park
Ayu Mayshita: ocean park again
Ayu Mayshita: crying neeta and me