alasdair massie:
Crystal Palace Subway
alasdair massie:
West entrance
alasdair massie:
Looking to the SW corner
alasdair massie:
Plesiosaurs and Ichthyosaurs
alasdair massie:
Standing Iguanadon
alasdair massie:
The insides of a standing Iguanadon - bricks and tiles set in mortar with wire stitches and modern stainless steel threaded rods, and a lump of timber for reasons unclear.
alasdair massie:
The temporarily jawless Megalosaurus
alasdair massie:
Emerging from the primeval daisies
alasdair massie:
Pterosaurs, with rusting wing edges
alasdair massie:
Pterosaurs, with a missing snout and rusting wing edges