♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everyt
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: Last september days in Calabria...
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: #back south #salerno train station
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience. Ralph Waldo Emerson
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: It takes sunshine and rain to make a rainbow. There would be no rainbows without sunshine and rain.
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: Ottobre Light in Greek Calabria
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: "All our wisdom is stored in the trees." ― Santosh Kalwar