♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: “Autumn...the year's last, loveliest smile.” William Cullen Bryant
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: "Dietro ad un grande uomo c'è sempre una grande donna. Dietro una grande donna non è necessario ci sia qualcuno"
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: "Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset". Saint Francis de Sales
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: “When the sun has set, no candle can replace it.” George R.R. Martin
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.” Albert Einstein
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: "Life is like dancing. If we have a big floor, many people will dance. Some will get angry when the rhythm changes. But life is changing all the time". Miguel Angel Ruiz
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: “How I wish that somewhere there existed an island for those who are wise and of good will” Albert Einstein
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: “Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one.” Terry Pratchett
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: "We will never have true civilization until we have learned to recognize the rights of others". Will Rogers
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: "To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity". Nelson Mandela
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: "An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity". Martin Luther King, Jr.
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: “You are like nobody since I love you.” Pablo Neruda
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: “If someone thinks that peace and love are just a cliche that must have been left behind in the 60s, that's a problem. Peace and love are eternal.”John Lennon
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: "Both young children and old people have a lot of time on their hands. That's probably why they get along so well". Jonathan Carroll
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: "Everything one invents is true, you may be perfectly sure of that. Poetry is as precise as geometry". Gustave Flaubert
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: “If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is - infinite.” William Blake
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: "Forty is the old age of youth; fifty the youth of old age". Victor Hugo
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: “I paint self-portraits because I am so often alone, because I am the person I know best.” Frida Kahlo
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: “All great and precious things are lonely.” John Steinbeck
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: “The most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being unloved.” Mother Teresa
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: “The earth has music for those who listen.” George Santayana
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: "If you carry your childhood with you, you never become older"Tom Stoppard
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: “Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” Michael Jordan
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: "If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable". Lucius Annaeus Seneca
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: "Don't cry because its over, smile because his new girlfriend looks like a horse". Anonymous
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: “Everything tastes better when cooked by someone else.” Marillyn Taylor Klam
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: "To refrain from imitation is the best revenge". Marcus Aurelius