♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY:
“The seagull sees farthest who flies highest” Proverb
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY:
"You are not just the drop in the ocean. "You are the mighty ocean in the drop." Rumi
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY:
"If light is in your heart, you will find your way home."
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY:
"Family life is a bit like a runny peach pie - not perfect but who's complaining?" Robert Brault
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY:
“Being a woman is a terribly difficult task, since it consists principally in dealing with men.” Joseph Conrad
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY:
"My soul is naked. It wears the transparent garment of Love."
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY:
"The inspiration you seek is already within you. Be silent and listen." Rumi
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY:
"The robbed that smiles, steals something from the thief". ~William Shakespeare, Othello
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY:
"Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers". ~Garth Brooks
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY:
"Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm." Winston Churchill
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY:
"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song". Lou Holtz
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY:
“If nature had intended for our skeletons to be visible it would have put them on the outside of our bodies.” Elmer Rice
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY:
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect". Mark Twain
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY:
"The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible". Arthur C. Clarke
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY:
"Patience has its limits, take it too far and it's cowardice". Holbrook Jackson
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY:
“As usual, there is a great woman behind every idiot.” John Lennon
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY:
“When it was dark, you always carried the sun in your hand for me.” Sean O'Casey
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY:
"I have been a seeker and still am, but I stopped asking books and the stars. I started listening to the teaching of my soul". Rumi
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY:
“When truth is replaced by silence,the silence is a lie.” Yevgeny Yevtushenko
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY:
“The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.” Elie Wiesel
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY:
“Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.” Anne Frank
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY:
“A good holiday is one spent among people whose notions of time are vaguer than yours.”
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY:
"Maybe you are searching among branches for what only appears in the Roots." Rumi
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY:
"I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way - things I had no words for". Georgia O'Keeffe
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY:
"Ironically, if the narcissist sees that you don't love him anymore he will then be intent on making you hate him. Either way, he will feel powerful in his complete control over you. The one thing that narcissists can't stand is apathy-towards him."T.Luv
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY:
"I'm not married and I don't think that's going to work out for me. I'm not even bitter, I'm just exhausted". Mary Lynn Rajskub
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY:
“Blue color is everlastingly appointed by the deity to be a source of delight.”John Ruskin
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY:
"You, too, women, cast away all the cowards from your embraces; they will give you only cowards for children, and you who are the daughters of the land of beauty must bear children who are noble and brave". Giuseppe Garibaldi
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY:
"Fear makes strangers of people who would be friends". Shirley MacLaine
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY:
"I confused gender identity with sexual orientation. Your gender identity is about who you are, how you feel, the sex that you feel yourself to be. Sexual orientation is who you're attracted to". Chastity Bono