♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: "Reason, I sacrifice you to the evening breeze". Aime Cesaire
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: "Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see". ~Mark Twain
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: “Animals are reliable, many full of love, true in their affections, predictable in their actions, grateful and loyal. Difficult standards for people to live up to.” Alfred A. Montapert
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: "All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another". Anatole France
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: “To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves.” Federico García Lorca
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: "They often say woman cannot keep a secret, but every woman in the world, like every man, has a hundred secrets in her own soul which she hides from even herself. The more respectable she is, the more certain it is the secrets exist". AUSTIN O'MALLEY
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: “If you want to be given everything, give everything up.” Riley Murphy
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: “There are some who want to get married and others who don't. I have never had an impulse to go to the altar. I am a difficult person to lead.”Greta Garbo
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: “Sex is the consolation you have when you can't have love” Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: "It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves". William Shakespeare
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: "Filthy water cannot be washed". ~African Proverb
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: "The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart". Buddha
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: "We know that in September, we will wander through the warm winds of summer's wreckage. We will welcome summer's ghost". Henry Rollins
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: "I'm already rich, someday I may have money." James S Glen
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: "Never contract friendship with a man that is not better than thyself." Confucius
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: "Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will". George Bernard Shaw
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: "The gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge". Albert Einstein
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: "Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm". Abraham Lincoln
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: "As we must account for every idle word, so must we account for every idle silence". Benjamin Franklin
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: “All day and all night my desire for you unwinds like a poisonous snake.” Samar Sen
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: “To reach a port we must set sail – Sail, not tie at anchor Sail, not drift.” Franklin D. Roosevelt
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: "We can live without religion and meditation, but we cannot survive without human affection". Dalai Lama
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: “Ultimately, it is the desire, not the desired, that we love.”Friedrich Nietzsche
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: “Do I contradict myself? Very well, then, I contradict myself; I am large -- I contain multitudes.” Walt Whitman
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: "We sleep in separate rooms, we have dinner apart, we take separate vacations - we're doing everything we can to keep our marriage together". Rodney Dangerfield
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: “Let every dawn of morning be to you as the beginning of life, and every setting sun be to you as its close.” John Ruskin, The Two Paths
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: “Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for changes” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: “To exact revenge for yourself or your friends is not only a right, it's an absolute duty.” Stieg Larsson
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies," said Jojen. "The man who never reads lives only one.” George R.R. Martin, A Dance With Dragons