A Murray: Windblown Hollyhocks at Ferryland.JPG
A Murray: Andrew and Doug with beer at Cartwright boulder rings.JPG
A Murray: Andrew fake digging in sandbox.JPG
A Murray: Andrew Mark Doug in shed St Johns.JPG
A Murray: Andrew on the Sir Robert Bond ferry.JPG
A Murray: Andrews point Upper Sandy Cove 8.JPG
A Murray: Caribou and Wolf tracks.JPG
A Murray: Caribou moss and Labrador tea.JPG
A Murray: Cartwright boulder ring.JPG
A Murray: Cartwright boulder rings east view.JPG
A Murray: Cartwright boulder rings west view with Doug.JPG
A Murray: Cartwright Labrador looking north.JPG
A Murray: Crow Berrys.JPG
A Murray: Doris and Lisa on the way to Fish Cove.JPG
A Murray: Doug and Jackie Ferryland.JPG
A Murray: Doug and Lisa at Thunder and Lightning Island.JPG
A Murray: Doug at Thunder and Lightning Island.JPG
A Murray: Doug Cathy Jackie Andrew in France.JPG
A Murray: Doug Cathy Jackie below the Battery St Johns.JPG
A Murray: Doug hauling out the grappel at West bay.JPG
A Murray: Doug in the boat.JPG
A Murray: Doug Nixon at the pier with moonlight.JPG
A Murray: Entrance to St Johns Harbour.JPG
A Murray: Ferryland1.JPG
A Murray: Ferryland2.JPG
A Murray: Ferryland3.JPG
A Murray: Fish and Chips.JPG
A Murray: Fish cove Andrew cooking.JPG
A Murray: Fish Cove Labrador.JPG
A Murray: Fish cove Lewis Davis .JPG