amaranth's castaways:
Feeple 60 Moe Shoes
amaranth's castaways:
Junko is excited!
amaranth's castaways:
Elf Soony vs Delf Soony
amaranth's castaways:
Side view Elf Soony vs Delf Soony
amaranth's castaways:
amaranth's castaways:
amaranth's castaways:
All those goodies!
amaranth's castaways:
Le Box
amaranth's castaways:
Certificate of Authenticity
amaranth's castaways:
amaranth's castaways:
So pretty!
amaranth's castaways:
Brictom, Junko, and Callas
amaranth's castaways:
sanding spots on her forehead
amaranth's castaways:
Sanding spots on her awake head
amaranth's castaways:
Weird sanding spots on her bum
amaranth's castaways:
Damage on SL Miyu head cap
amaranth's castaways:
Illfitting Soony Head Cap
amaranth's castaways:
Weird sanding mark
amaranth's castaways:
amaranth's castaways:
Blank Miyu
amaranth's castaways:
Blank Miyu
amaranth's castaways:
Moe Feeple 60 Reference Pics
amaranth's castaways:
Moe Feeple 60 Reference Pics
amaranth's castaways:
Moe Feeple 60 Reference Pics
amaranth's castaways:
Torso Comparison for DoA