amaranth's castaways: I couldn't wait to do a proper box opening so this was the best I could do at the time. I had forgotten about her annoying head cap and didn't bring a neck donut. Poor thing. But ah well, the princess is all together now. :P
amaranth's castaways: I couldn't wait to do a proper box opening so this was the best I could do at the time. I had forgotten about her annoying head cap and didn't bring a neck donut. Poor thing. But ah well, the princess is all together now. :P
amaranth's castaways: Junko-Hime's New Faceup
amaranth's castaways: Junko-Hime's New Faceup
amaranth's castaways: Jointed Hands
amaranth's castaways: Nose Piercing!
amaranth's castaways: Nose Piercing! [explored]
amaranth's castaways: Brown Eyed Girl
amaranth's castaways: Brown Eyed Girl
amaranth's castaways: bedroom eyes
amaranth's castaways: Junko as Toothless
amaranth's castaways: Junko as Toothless