amproehl: Anne & MB above Muir Beach
amproehl: MB & Steve on the Hike
amproehl: Muir Beach bridge
amproehl: Hiking on the Pirate's Cove Trail
amproehl: Dressing for Diiner
amproehl: Looking South towards Pirate's Cove
amproehl: Looking North
amproehl: Anne on the Trail
amproehl: Anne & MB wine tasting
amproehl: Pelican Inn window
amproehl: Amuse Bouche at Quince
amproehl: crudo at Chalkboard
amproehl: Giraffe 1
amproehl: cool red birds
amproehl: Gray Crane
amproehl: Giraffe 2
amproehl: French Oak