amproehl: Yosemite Point Panorama 2
amproehl: Half Dome Reflection
amproehl: Yosemite panorama
amproehl: Yosemite wall
amproehl: Anne on the trail
amproehl: Yosemite Pt. View
amproehl: Bridge to Yosemite Point
amproehl: Yosemite Creek above the falls
amproehl: Freaky stairs
amproehl: Near the Yosemite Falls overlook
amproehl: Snowbound Trail
amproehl: High peaks
amproehl: Wall at dusk
amproehl: One last shot on the way down
amproehl: Half Dome from the Yosemite Falls Trail
amproehl: Yosemite Falls (without most of the falls)
amproehl: Yosemite Valley from Yosemite Falls Trail
amproehl: Towards Upper Yosemite Falls
amproehl: Yosemite Falls & Half Dome
amproehl: 12 point buck on the Yosemite Falls Trail
amproehl: Zen view of Half Dome
amproehl: Yosemite Falls crossing
amproehl: Last light, Sentinel Rock