amproehl: The beautiful setting created by Anne
amproehl: A view from the stairs
amproehl: Darcy & Rich
amproehl: The lovely and always graceful host
amproehl: Me checking out Richard's new Android phone
amproehl: Anneke, Charissa & Pamela
amproehl: Nancy, Judy and Eileen with Gavin
amproehl: Kristen & John
amproehl: Pamela, Jen & Darcy
amproehl: Laney & Ann
amproehl: John spinning a yarn
amproehl: Anne, Madona and Chris enjoying the sun and wind
amproehl: Mike chillin
amproehl: Tony, looking a little windswept
amproehl: Jose trying to get the wind gods to leave his paella alone.
amproehl: Making the paella. Lots of shrimp!
amproehl: Jose the Paella chef
amproehl: Merc & Tim
amproehl: Nancy looking happy to finally be back inside and warm.
amproehl: Jacko!
amproehl: Buel sporting appropriate foul weather gear
amproehl: Anne welcoming guests
amproehl: Eileen & Gavin
amproehl: Group hug for Gavin
amproehl: What's a summer in San Francisco without a down sweater?
amproehl: Anneke looking elegant as always
amproehl: Joe chillin
amproehl: Rich, GoPro in action
amproehl: Getting ready to blow out candles