amproehl: 32 for dinner... The extended clan
amproehl: Meghan & Sarah with my Mom
amproehl: Proehl kids with the Proehl Squint
amproehl: Mom on the porch at Clinton
amproehl: Blocking light to avoid the Proehl Squint
amproehl: Michael, Elizabeth, Meghan & Sarah, Thanksgiving 2011
amproehl: Touch football on the beach
amproehl: This year's swimmers getting ready to take the annual Thanksgivng Day plunge
amproehl: Anne, Cap and I struggling on the rocks to get out of the water
amproehl: The chefs with their turkey hot off the Weber Grill
amproehl: Chelsea in Essex
amproehl: Jimmy & Cap
amproehl: Connecticut River Museum, Essex CT
amproehl: Steamship Dock, Essex, CT
amproehl: Clinton Panorama, Nov 2011