amproehl: Lake Titikaka from La Libator Hotel
amproehl: one of their reed boats
amproehl: Arriving at a Los Uros floating island
amproehl: eating a reed (excellent source of iodine)
amproehl: the woman greeting our boat on Los Uros
amproehl: Victor rowing their reed boat
amproehl: edge of a floating island
amproehl: local girl on one of the Los Uros Floating Islands
amproehl: the view from our family's house on Isla Amantani
amproehl: Roy & his cousin
amproehl: Potatos (several of over 1000 varieties in Peru)
amproehl: Roy and his cousin in their tub
amproehl: our house for the Homestay
amproehl: at our homestay
amproehl: woman grinding quinoa into flour
amproehl: MB & Steve
amproehl: gathering Quinoa
amproehl: me attempting (poorly) to spin wool
amproehl: cowboy at sunset
amproehl: woman gathering wheat at the top of Isla Amantani
amproehl: looking towards Isla Taquila from the top of Amantani
amproehl: Sunset from the top of Isla Amnatani
amproehl: view of Lake Titikaka from the top of Isla Amnatani
amproehl: MB & Anne on top of Isla Amantani
amproehl: Anne and I at the top of Isla Amantani
amproehl: Terraces atop Isla Amantani
amproehl: Sunset atop Isla Amantani
amproehl: MB, Boni, & Anne
amproehl: Anne dancing with Boni
amproehl: Isla Amantani from Isla Taquila