amproehl: The Farm
amproehl: view of the Petaluma foothills
amproehl: Touring the Farm
amproehl: The Field
amproehl: Farmer Dave & his son Nico
amproehl: The table (looking the other way)
amproehl: The table
amproehl: Jack & Anneke
amproehl: The Farmhouse
amproehl: the bus
amproehl: The Table
amproehl: Jack picking strawberries for us
amproehl: Jack standing in the field
amproehl: Yummie strawberries
amproehl: The hills of Petaluma
amproehl: Basil!
amproehl: Anne and I
amproehl: diners
amproehl: flowers
amproehl: flowers and hill
amproehl: Us at the table