Amanda Kae's Photoz:
I'm Gonna Get You!
Amanda Kae's Photoz:
Amanda Kae's Photoz:
Amanda Kae's Photoz:
Amanda Kae's Photoz:
Dog Days of Summer
Amanda Kae's Photoz:
Here I Come!
Amanda Kae's Photoz:
The Watcher
Amanda Kae's Photoz:
Kaizer Chillin'
Amanda Kae's Photoz:
Puppy Love
Amanda Kae's Photoz:
Peekaboo Milo
Amanda Kae's Photoz:
haulin' emma
Amanda Kae's Photoz:
You Can't See Me
Amanda Kae's Photoz:
Snow Dog
Amanda Kae's Photoz:
the last 4
Amanda Kae's Photoz:
leaf destroyers
Amanda Kae's Photoz:
jackson posing
Amanda Kae's Photoz:
Katie Complaining
Amanda Kae's Photoz:
Pillow Cat
Amanda Kae's Photoz:
Puppy Herd
Amanda Kae's Photoz:
Howling Harvey
Amanda Kae's Photoz:
The Crew
Amanda Kae's Photoz:
What is it?
Amanda Kae's Photoz:
Amanda Kae's Photoz:
Grinning Harvey
Amanda Kae's Photoz:
Izzie Posing
Amanda Kae's Photoz:
Harvey Cheesin
Amanda Kae's Photoz:
Rub a Dub Dub, 4 Jacks in a Tub
Amanda Kae's Photoz:
more action emma
Amanda Kae's Photoz:
flying emma2
Amanda Kae's Photoz:
the amazing flying emma