Amanda Kae's Photoz: CherylCrow
Amanda Kae's Photoz: D.White the goose
Amanda Kae's Photoz: DuckDuck the Goose
Amanda Kae's Photoz: handfed goslings
Amanda Kae's Photoz: GrayGoose Vodka
Amanda Kae's Photoz: vodka feet
Amanda Kae's Photoz: What You Lookin' At?
Amanda Kae's Photoz: Old Man Jake
Amanda Kae's Photoz: special treat
Amanda Kae's Photoz: I'm Watching You
Amanda Kae's Photoz: Dotty's Baby
Amanda Kae's Photoz: chicken nuggets
Amanda Kae's Photoz: Mama Bird
Amanda Kae's Photoz: DuckDuck the Goose
Amanda Kae's Photoz: Bird's Eye View
Amanda Kae's Photoz: DuckDuck's Melon
Amanda Kae's Photoz: BW JAKE HEAD
Amanda Kae's Photoz: view from the top
Amanda Kae's Photoz: silver laced wyandotte
Amanda Kae's Photoz: duncan's nose
Amanda Kae's Photoz: duncan ears
Amanda Kae's Photoz: lake jake
Amanda Kae's Photoz: horse to water