AmandaMT: Yellow wildflower
AmandaMT: Up through the canopy
AmandaMT: Bunchberry
AmandaMT: Bunchberry
AmandaMT: Wild columbine
AmandaMT: Such a tool.
AmandaMT: In the Whiteshell
AmandaMT: Waterway to McGuilivray Lake
AmandaMT: McGuilivray Lake trail
AmandaMT: My poser
AmandaMT: Chris
AmandaMT: Hiking by a stream
AmandaMT: Wildflower
AmandaMT: Toad
AmandaMT: To McGuilivray Lake
AmandaMT: To McGuilivray Lake
AmandaMT: Chris is my poser
AmandaMT: Chris by the outlook
AmandaMT: Outlook
AmandaMT: And who says MB has no topography!
AmandaMT: Green frog
AmandaMT: Overlook
AmandaMT: Western Red Lily
AmandaMT: Western Red Lily
AmandaMT: Western Red Lily
AmandaMT: Ants
AmandaMT: Ants
AmandaMT: Ants go marching two by two...
AmandaMT: Chris hiking