AmandaMT: Day 5 Route
AmandaMT: Downed pole
AmandaMT: Under the storm
AmandaMT: Minor lightning
AmandaMT: Plains landscape in Kansas
AmandaMT: Arcing lightning
AmandaMT: Lightening through the storm
AmandaMT: Wall cloud formation or scud
AmandaMT: Sculpted storm
AmandaMT: Descent from the wall cloud
AmandaMT: Shelf cloud
AmandaMT: Shelf cloud
AmandaMT: Shelf cloud storm
AmandaMT: Shelf cloud
AmandaMT: Shelf cloud
AmandaMT: Edge of the storm
AmandaMT: Pre-wall cloud
AmandaMT: The storm from afar
AmandaMT: Stormchasing368
AmandaMT: Stormchasing371
AmandaMT: Stormchasing373
AmandaMT: Bolt lit storm
AmandaMT: Surreal storm
AmandaMT: Lightning neath the storm
AmandaMT: Shelf cloud
AmandaMT: Shelf cloud
AmandaMT: Advancing storm