amandamehl: "Korban"
amandamehl: wtf am i doing in the middle east?
amandamehl: Happy Painting
amandamehl: _NIK8026
amandamehl: welcome1
amandamehl: Florescent Welcome
amandamehl: Prayer Mat
amandamehl: red carpet
amandamehl: Bright Girls Hugging in the Night
amandamehl: Mail Order Bride
amandamehl: Tire #2
amandamehl: sexy tree scene
amandamehl: Tire #3
amandamehl: Installation view at Solo Gallery
amandamehl: Swamp
amandamehl: Elsewhere
amandamehl: self (sort of)
amandamehl: Clarity
amandamehl: the water arguement
amandamehl: installation view
amandamehl: Exposed
amandamehl: Whistling Pink Creature
amandamehl: 5th Layer
amandamehl: close up of 3rd layer
amandamehl: Layer 3
amandamehl: You're right next to me but I need an airplane
amandamehl: To Be Continued