amanda luna: Mike & Abifail, story-time #cakefarts
amanda luna: #allymcbeal #foreveralone
amanda luna: little orange dude, watching our favorite show law & order
amanda luna: Hall&Oates haircut montage time! Leah Ng is the best hair stylist ever!
amanda luna: My sun & the 1 tru kang. #Gus #simba #lionkang
amanda luna: Greasy lens vicodin pickup. #kaiser #drugs #idontgetoutmuch
amanda luna: Find the Gus within the mess. #stonercat
amanda luna: Fine yellow cupcakes with chocolate frosting and "fun sprinkles". #madebyanamericanwoman
amanda luna: Do-wop Hi-girl
amanda luna: Lol, using chair as nightstand. #whatIamuptonowadays
amanda luna: Gus, a.k.a. "Evil Smilez"
amanda luna: #a league of their own
amanda luna: What Ian wore today.
amanda luna: Bus stop buddy
amanda luna: catching up on Breaking Bad
amanda luna: the intro to The X-Files is beautiful.
amanda luna: Debates n happy cup n smokes
amanda luna: Salem/Keizer is so kooky & adorbZ.
amanda luna: I just got a tattoo!
amanda luna: His mind is full of dreams.
amanda luna: Ariel pink