Luckdragon57: Happy kid, squirming into the leaves
Luckdragon57: Levitating Lo
Luckdragon57: Ninja-LoLo
Luckdragon57: Check out that happy face!
Luckdragon57: Acing the landing
Luckdragon57: I'm good! (Lorraina's zombie-hand)
Luckdragon57: Getting excited (she was counting 1..2..3 along with Z)
Luckdragon57: More flying-Lo-Bean
Luckdragon57: Again! Again!
Luckdragon57: Whee! Squoosh!
Luckdragon57: Lo catches some air
Luckdragon57: Flying LoLo
Luckdragon57: Uncovering the Lo'ski
Luckdragon57: Heck-yeah, I'm awesome. --LMR
Luckdragon57: LoLo loved the leaf-pile
Luckdragon57: Caught in mid squee
Luckdragon57: Check out happy little leaf-face!
Luckdragon57: Leaf-tossing!
Luckdragon57: Leaf-tossing! (aka why it's hard to accomplish things with a toddler "helping")
Luckdragon57: Happy kid!
Luckdragon57: Zac and Kayla having some cuddle-time
Luckdragon57: If you tell a toddler, "Come at me, Lo!" .... you should expect this. :)
Luckdragon57: Z says "Whee!" Mae says, "What the...?"
Luckdragon57: Epic Leaf Jump (part 1)
Luckdragon57: Epic Leaf-Jump (part 2)
Luckdragon57: Zac's "Ow, my coccyx!" face
Luckdragon57: It's all good! No worries, MaeMae!
Luckdragon57: Leaf-pile snuggles
Luckdragon57: Lorraina rolling off the leaf pile. Perhaps accidentally?