Luckdragon57: Drunk on the joys of life?
Luckdragon57: Fallen leaf, close-up
Luckdragon57: Baby (toddler) blues
Luckdragon57: Handful of Autumn
Luckdragon57: Peeking through the window of her castle
Luckdragon57: Lo and Wes, enjoying a lovely October day
Luckdragon57: Perfect pumpkin for a toddler
Luckdragon57: Lo saunters through the pumpkin patch
Luckdragon57: Bee, flower
Luckdragon57: Bee-fuzz! (Like peach-fuzz, only ... more insecty)
Luckdragon57: Beetle!
Luckdragon57: Bee, red flower
Luckdragon57: Important decisions are being made...
Luckdragon57: Dad and Kid, Team Applepickers 2013
Luckdragon57: The fallen
Luckdragon57: Tree-monkey
Luckdragon57: Om'nom'nom!
Luckdragon57: I'm sure this ladder is very safe...
Luckdragon57: Lo tries to eat her picked fruit a little early
Luckdragon57: Path out of the orchard, pretty trees
Luckdragon57: Z, Lo, and Nancy in the orchard
Luckdragon57: Putting a toddler to work in the orchard
Luckdragon57: Pretty vine on the apple tree
Luckdragon57: And I raaaan, I raaan so far awaaaayy... (oh, wait, I meant flock of geese....)
Luckdragon57: Munching on the fruit of her labors as GrAunt Nancy looks on
Luckdragon57: A determined little toddler
Luckdragon57: Giggles!
Luckdragon57: Admire my gourd!
Luckdragon57: I imagine these sound like "boi-oi-oing" ...
Luckdragon57: Bee doing his bee-thing