Luckdragon57: Oh, hai!
Luckdragon57: What's going on out there?
Luckdragon57: Lo wants to go outside
Luckdragon57: Squee!
Luckdragon57: Lo assumes the flying kick position from Mortal Kombat
Luckdragon57: "I want to go to there!"
Luckdragon57: Levitating baby
Luckdragon57: Happy kid (post-baby-toss)
Luckdragon57: Giggly baby photo-bomb
Luckdragon57: What's this thing?
Luckdragon57: "I'm grandpa's girl" ...all mis-matched
Luckdragon57: I can do it!
Luckdragon57: I'm climbing on top of this 'cuz it's fun
Luckdragon57: LoLo Grumpy Evil Face
Luckdragon57: Whaaaa!?!
Luckdragon57: DSC_0027
Luckdragon57: Smooth moves. lady!
Luckdragon57: Shoulder shake
Luckdragon57: Happy standing lady
Luckdragon57: You wanna see my cute baby belly?
Luckdragon57: A giggly moment
Luckdragon57: Wee smooches
Luckdragon57: Belly sharin'
Luckdragon57: Everybody put your hands up!
Luckdragon57: Dancing or Falling?
Luckdragon57: A LoLo in the yard
Luckdragon57: Cute kid, eh?
Luckdragon57: Block City