Luckdragon57: Why won't you read THESE picture books to me?
Luckdragon57: Are you sure The Furies isn't a bedtime story?
Luckdragon57: Yea! My KittyTrap worked!
Luckdragon57: Jack's in here, right? :)
Luckdragon57: Plying peek-a-boo with Noni areound the revolving bookcase
Luckdragon57: Peek-a-boo! I see you!
Luckdragon57: Fun and games with Noni
Luckdragon57: Where's Lo? THERE she is!
Luckdragon57: Lo is convinced that all the books are hers
Luckdragon57: Peek-a-boo face
Luckdragon57: Wesley contemplates how he is going to knock over all the blocks later
Luckdragon57: LoLo shows off her new trick, "Technicolor vomit"
Luckdragon57: Happiness is a bag of blocks
Luckdragon57: Thanks, Noni!
Luckdragon57: Early Christmas in Burlington
Luckdragon57: Noni going over basic architectural principles
Luckdragon57: Blocks
Luckdragon57: Look! A ring!
Luckdragon57: Yep, I've got this figured out
Luckdragon57: Yay! Stacker!
Luckdragon57: Stackers and cups
Luckdragon57: Love this smile!
Luckdragon57: Happy kid
Luckdragon57: Teething little Lady
Luckdragon57: Oh, hai!
Luckdragon57: Playing with Noni
Luckdragon57: Wait, so I can't eat the sticks?
Luckdragon57: Lo shows off her Jack Nicholson/Christian Slater 'brows
Luckdragon57: Squee!