Luckdragon57: The art-deco-y Chrysler Building
Luckdragon57: BG 2011: How I want to drink all my tea from now on...
Luckdragon57: BG 2011: Frilly Weasels
Luckdragon57: NYPL Lion
Luckdragon57: Empire State Bldg for Thanksgiving
Luckdragon57: I need a Champagne-opening-monkey!
Luckdragon57: Another Monkey Butler!
Luckdragon57: Very dressed up terrier
Luckdragon57: BG 2011 The Window with the Most Monkey Butlers
Luckdragon57: Sparkle-Lobster!
Luckdragon57: This reminds me of Pa's fish ... only sparklier
Luckdragon57: BG 2011: Erudite Mouse
Luckdragon57: BG 2011: Detailed Paper Bee
Luckdragon57: BG 2011: Bookmice
Luckdragon57: BG 2011: Detailed Seahorses
Luckdragon57: BG 2011: The Graduate
Luckdragon57: BG 2011: Wooden Pug
Luckdragon57: BG 2011: Surreal .... but a beautiful dress
Luckdragon57: The Bird-Ladies of Bergdorf
Luckdragon57: A+Z Starting our T'Day wandering