AmandaCathleen: homemade breakfast
AmandaCathleen: K's self portrait
AmandaCathleen: Helloooo lovely
AmandaCathleen: Madison's baby foot and her little Uncles too!
AmandaCathleen: new baby toes
AmandaCathleen: Madison Elizabeth
AmandaCathleen: Madison Elizabeth and I
AmandaCathleen: Madison Elizabeth
AmandaCathleen: Madison Elizabeth
AmandaCathleen: Madison Elizabeth
AmandaCathleen: Madison, kailey and I
AmandaCathleen: Madison and Daddy
AmandaCathleen: Madison and Móraí
AmandaCathleen: Madison and Móraí
AmandaCathleen: Daido holding Madison
AmandaCathleen: Daido holding Madison
AmandaCathleen: Corra holding Madison
AmandaCathleen: Corra and Kailey holding Madison Elizabeth
AmandaCathleen: Valentine's chandeler
AmandaCathleen: Have a hand-tastic Valentine's day!
AmandaCathleen: Valentine, you blow me away!
AmandaCathleen: ribbon rose
AmandaCathleen: Valentine, you mold my heart <3
AmandaCathleen: Dying Easter eggs
AmandaCathleen: Dying Easter eggs
AmandaCathleen: Corra softball