sminky_pinky100 (In and Out): I'm ready for my close up now!
sminky_pinky100 (In and Out): On Guard...But Loving the Sun
sminky_pinky100 (In and Out): Looking Sheepish :o))
sminky_pinky100 (In and Out): You Talkin' to Me?
sminky_pinky100 (In and Out): No....I can't feel any nuts here...Can't feel my hands either.
sminky_pinky100 (In and Out): Patiently Waiting
sminky_pinky100 (In and Out): Monkeying Around I
sminky_pinky100 (In and Out): Rainbow Blue Parakeet
sminky_pinky100 (In and Out): Is that lunch coming?
sminky_pinky100 (In and Out): Standing out from the Crowd...Or Herd
sminky_pinky100 (In and Out): Malachite Siproeta Stelenes
sminky_pinky100 (In and Out): Easy like Monday Morning!
sminky_pinky100 (In and Out): All Fingers and Thumbs
sminky_pinky100 (In and Out): No Mildred I can't see the duck...Can you?
sminky_pinky100 (In and Out): I am not an Alpaca :o)