amanda p. wu: selling the tea
amanda p. wu: tea containers
amanda p. wu: selling the tea
amanda p. wu: Wrapped Tea
amanda p. wu: century old chops
amanda p. wu: century old chops
amanda p. wu: wrapping the tea in paper
amanda p. wu: wrapping the tea in paper
amanda p. wu: wrapping the tea in paper
amanda p. wu: wrapping the tea in paper
amanda p. wu: wrapping the tea in paper
amanda p. wu: wrapping the tea in paper
amanda p. wu: wrapping the tea in paper
amanda p. wu: observing the tea master
amanda p. wu: observing the tea master
amanda p. wu: wrapping the tea in paper
amanda p. wu: wrapping the tea in paper
amanda p. wu: wrapping the tea in paper
amanda p. wu: wrapping the tea in paper
amanda p. wu: posing with the 90 year old store owner
amanda p. wu: posing with the 90 year old store owner
amanda p. wu: posing with the 90 year old store owner
amanda p. wu: abucus
amanda p. wu: his grandson LOVES tea
amanda p. wu: store owner w/ his store
amanda p. wu: shop from the outside