amanda p. wu: Pianist
amanda p. wu: Choir Practice
amanda p. wu: wedding program
amanda p. wu: wedding program
amanda p. wu: Wedding Ceremony Guests
amanda p. wu: Wedding Ceremony Guests
amanda p. wu: Mother of Bride Enters
amanda p. wu: Mother of Bride Enters
amanda p. wu: Mother of Bride Enters
amanda p. wu: Let's Get this wedding started
amanda p. wu: Let's Get this wedding started
amanda p. wu: The Front of the Church
amanda p. wu: waiting for the start of the wedding
amanda p. wu: DSC00646
amanda p. wu: Wedding Ceremony Guests
amanda p. wu: waiting for the start of the wedding
amanda p. wu: Groomsman entering the church
amanda p. wu: Groomsman
amanda p. wu: Groomsman
amanda p. wu: Groomsman
amanda p. wu: Groom Comes Down the Aisle
amanda p. wu: Groom Comes Down the Aisle
amanda p. wu: Groom Watches at Bridal Party Comes down the Aisle
amanda p. wu: Flower Children
amanda p. wu: Maid of Honor
amanda p. wu: Maid of Honor
amanda p. wu: Maid of Honor
amanda p. wu: Maid of Honor
amanda p. wu: Maid of Honor
amanda p. wu: Looking for his bride to come down the aisle